Interactive Ecosystem to Improve Access to Information and Development of Knowledge on Sexual and Reproductive Health Ssr in Deaf Women of Cuenca Ecuador

Project Details


General objective Develop a multimedia educational environment within the framework of Sexual and Reproductive Health aimed at people with hearing disabilities with an emphasis on deaf women. Justification The prevalence of hearing disability in women in Ecuador from 0 to 65 years of age and over, reaches figures of 25,189, in the province of Azuay there are 1,386 women with this type of disability, and in the city of Cuenca 975 (National Council for Disability Equality, 2017). In the city of Cuenca there are 464 women between 17 and 53 years of age with hearing disabilities (National Council for Equality of Disabilities, 2017). In a previous study (Robles-Bykbaev et al, 2017 in publication) it was determined that out of 12 % of 31 women surveyed have a low level of knowledge in SRH, while the rest of the women surveyed (88%) have little or no knowledge in SRH. Which reflects a worrying fact in a vulnerable population and that per se has many difficulties for education, health care and in general to develop potentialities and lead a full life within the culture of non-deaf people. Since the new "Organic Law on Disabilities ” (Asamblea Nacional de la República del Ecuador, 2012) articles were proposed that determine coordinated state and private plans and programs and the necessary measures for the participation of people with disabilities, and their full and effective inclusion in society, however educational programs and the Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) for people with disabilities is limited, since there is a marked absence of programs for access to information and education on SRH for said population, since only "ignorance of the Ecuadorian Sign Language - LSEC, and the application of bilingualism in the educational system, limits the access of students with disabilities d auditory” (National Council for Equality of Disabilities, 2013-2017) as well as the absence of bilingualism in health institutions in Ecuador. For the reasons stated above, it is intended through this proposal to search for and develop a social intervention program through inclusive education thanks to the incorporation of information and communication assistance technologies for people with hearing disabilities aimed at improving access, and therefore improve the level of education in women with hearing impairment. Within the technologies, it is worth mentioning that they will be freely accessible so that they can be replicated in an agile and simple way, and can be used by institutions that require it, benefiting and not for profit.
Effective start/end date24/05/1824/05/19


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