Deontología Aplicada a las Relaciones Laborales Dentro de una Empresa de Producción

Translated title of the contribution: Deontology Applied to Labor Relations Within a Production Company

Jonathan Andres Celi Zapata, Jeverson Santiago Quishpe Gaibor

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The present analysis is focused on the development of ethics and deontology concepts oriented to labor links between managers and workers, the function that each one of the characters fulfills, which are subject to rights or obligations, not because of a necessity, but rather because of a duty. It is emphasized that within any organization there will always be conflicts which can be collective or individual, these conflicts are the result of inefficient application of norms and concepts that make them prone to all those who make up a community. The misinterpretation of rights or obligations is the main cause to trigger the bad development within a work environment for the production of a good or service. The importance of deontology in the work or in concrete activities of the labor sector must be exposed, it establishes guidelines on the productive society and its professional interactions among all those involved. The ethics of each profession depends on the behavior or action that each professional applies to the specific cases that may arise during their work. The professional must act within a margin imposed by extreme behavior, all grouped and originated from the moral. It has a responsibility directly connected to its actions and the consequences in the others, the co-responsibility in the social construction. This study seeks to externalize the course of professional training, and promote interest in the practice of deontological values that will be of great benefit to both a professional and a citizen. Finally, this investigation is the analysis of theoretical and conceptual investigations of norms applicable to the industry in production whose objective is to fulfill a common purpose that meets the needs taking care of integrity of all those involved.
Translated title of the contributionDeontology Applied to Labor Relations Within a Production Company
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalObservatorio De La Economía Latinoamericana
Issue number2019
StatePublished - 30 May 2019


  • Emphasis
  • Integrity
  • Obligations
  • Production
  • Rights

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 527A Industrial production


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