Proposal of a System for the Extraction of Physiological Characteristics through a Sensorized Pencil as a Support for the Detection of Stress and Anxiety

Luis Javier Serpa Andrade, Isaac Leonardo Ojeda Zamalloa, Elena Mesa Quezada, Vladimir Espartaco Robles Bykbaev, Sandra Huiracocha Vivar, Jenny Padilla Peralta, Betty Elizabeth Zhagñay Narváez

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


among the different personality variables that can be obtained from a person in a jobinterview, we have the behavior of each of them, which allows analyzing variables such as stress or anxiety in front of one or several proposed scenarios, allowing this way the most appropriate or approximate selection of this. The taking of physiological and personality data, at the time of performing some psychological analysis, are of vital importance, since the more variables are collected and the less invasive is the method or the tool used for this purpose, the data or samples will be more reliable. They are taken, whereas if these situations occur, they affect the patient in a psychological way, so that there is some invasion of his body or his behavior or state is altered, causing the data taken to have restrictions caused by noise or disturbances mentioned previously. By having instruments for measuring physiological variables that are increasingly smaller, portable and of low consumption, they allow obtaining information that is much easier to obtain, wireless and more timely, without the need to subject the individual to situations that alter their psychological or physical part. The present work is based on the monitoring of the heart rate and the pressure exerted by a user on a graphological tool at the moment of being used, has a wireless communication and helps thedecision making by the expert when analyzing the data of the variables received and processed.
Translated title of the contributionPropuesta de un Sistema de Extracción de Características Fisiológicas a través de un Lápiz Sensorizado como Apoyo para la Detección de Estrés y Ansiedad
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 31 Aug 2019
EventV Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad (CITIS 2018-2019) - EC
Duration: 6 Feb 20198 Feb 2019


ConferenceV Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad (CITIS 2018-2019)
Internet address


  • Ansiedad
  • Estrés
  • Lápiz
  • Presión
  • Pulso.

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 417A Electronics, Automation and Sound


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