Consciencia Psicológica e Inteligencias Múltiples en el Contexto Universitario. Una Mirada Fenomenológica

Translated title of the contribution: Psychological Consciousness and Multiple Intelligences in the University Context. A Phenomenological Look

Johan Manuel Mendez Reyes, Maria De Los Angeles Padron Medina

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Educating from a critical and humanistic perspective continues to be a challenge for the various educational systems in Latin America, our training continues to be anchored in a banking and Eurocentric pedagogical conception that responds to the interests of the great hegemonic centers of knowledge that continue to promote a type of teaching whose logic is exclusively that of the market sponsored by instrumental reason itself as the only way to develop psychological awareness and human intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome this modern vision of Western rationality for a type of education that allows the comprehensive and holistic development of university students, the applicability of positions such as psychological awareness and the theory of multiple intelligences will allow breaking with this epistemological bias of a univocal intelligence in the human being and recognize the importance of training and learning from various cognitive perspectives that allow the strengthening of all the intelligences present in the individual in order to develop all their capacities and potentialities.
Translated title of the contributionPsychological Consciousness and Multiple Intelligences in the University Context. A Phenomenological Look
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
PublisherFondo Editorial UNERMB
Number of pages86
ISBN (Print)978-980-427-227-1
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2022


  • Interpersonal
  • Intrapersonal
  • Kinaesthetic
  • Linguistic
  • Musical
  • Naturalistic
  • Visual/spatial
  • existential

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 312A Arts


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