Asistente Médico Portátil Integrado para la Medición de Frecuencia Cardiaca Presión Arterial Nivel de Saturación de Oxígeno y Temperatura Corporal como Tecnología de Telemedicina para Asistir el Diagnóstico de Covid19

  • Villa Parra, Ana Cecilia (PI)
  • Landi Sisalima, Christian Damian (Student)
  • Llanos Quilli, Karla Magaly (Student)
  • Vasquez Ucho, Paola Aracely (Student)
  • Yupa Romero, Luis Fernando (Student)

Project Details


General objective Design and build an Integrated Portable Medical Assistant for the Measurement of Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Oxygen Saturation Level and Body Temperature as a Telemedicine Technology to assist in the Diagnosis of COVID-19
Effective start/end date10/12/2010/12/21


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