Estimación del Tiempo de Recuperación de Energía Aplicado en Producción de Hidrogeno con Fines de Generación Eléctrica

Cristian Cristobal Cuji Cuji, Diego Enrique Polanco Calvachi

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículo


Next, the results obtained when estimating the cost of electrical energy and its time of considering hydrogen generation as a base are presented, as well as the feasibility in the economic sphere within the domestic consumption of electrical energy. To begin with, the energy analysis of hydrogen was carried out in the market, using the recovery factor (EPBT) which gives us as a result that it must take 1.62 years for a hydrogen cell to compensate for the energy I use. From the results obtained in the laboratory and the mathematical model in which a PEM-type fuel cell with 46% efficiency was obtained to generate 24V. Finally, with the information obtained, the amount of initial energy and hydrogen that is needed to produce electricity and the cost according to its production are evaluated, which is analyzed from the energy, technical and economic point of view, thus obtaining the strengths to be a clean and pollution-free source of energy, since its only residue is water vapor. But with the great disadvantage that in the electrical field there are greater energy losses due to the low efficiency of fuel cells.
Título traducido de la contribuciónEstimation of Energy Recovery Time Applied in Hydrogen Production for Electrical Generation Purposes
Idioma originalEspañol (Ecuador)
Páginas (desde-hasta)1-11
Número de páginas11
PublicaciónRevista Técnica Energía
EstadoPublicada - 26 ene. 2022

Palabras clave

  • Power
  • Hydrogen
  • Electricity generation

Areas de Conocimiento del CACES

  • 317A Electricidad y energía


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