E-Pumapunku: An Interactive App to Teach Children the Cañari and Inca Indigenous Cultures during Guided Museum Visits

P. Arias-Espinoza, A. Medina-Carrion, V. Robles-Bykbaev, Y. Robles-Bykbaev, F. Pesantez-Aviles, J. Ortega, D. Matute, V. Roldan-Monsalve

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaDocumento

7 Citas (Scopus)


© 2018 IEEE. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), due of the rapidity of cultural change, safeguarding the world's tangible and intangible cultural heritage has become an increasingly complex and multidimensional undertaking. Therefore, it is fundamental for the children and youth of today to learn the culture, values, and traditions that define their identity as well as the identity of their nation. For these reasons in this paper, we present an interactive app aimed at supporting both teaching and rescuing the heritage of Cañari and Inca indigenous cultures. Our mobile app can be used at children's home or during the guided visits of one of the most important museums in Ecuador: The Pumapungo Museum. Likewise, the app can identify QR codes to show multimedia material to children, contains several 3D objects that are presented using Augmented Reality (AR), and incorporates a data mining module to analyze several aspects of the museum visitors (geographical information, feedback collected through a survey, etc.). The app was tested in real guided visits in the museum with 30 children from three different schools (low and middle -income), and the results show high levels of interest in the contents and the app.
Idioma originalInglés
EstadoPublicada - 21 dic. 2018
Publicado de forma externa
Evento2018 Congreso Internacional de Innovacion y Tendencias en Ingenieria, CONIITI 2018 - Proceedings -
Duración: 21 dic. 2018 → …


Conferencia2018 Congreso Internacional de Innovacion y Tendencias en Ingenieria, CONIITI 2018 - Proceedings
Período21/12/18 → …


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