Estimation with Monte Carlo of thermal neutrons in the FANT, using 252Cf and 241Am/9Be neutron source

Lenin E. Cevallos-Robalino, Gonzalo García-Fernández, Eduardo Gallego, Hector Rene Vega-Carrillo, Roberto García-Baonza, Orlando Barcia-Ayala, Bremnen Veliz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The thermal neutron irradiation device (FANT), developed at the Neutron Measurements Laboratory of the Energy Engineering Department at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, is a high-density polyethylene regular parallelepiped, with a rather uniform neutron fluence inside its irradiation chamber. It uses a Am95241/Be49 neutron source aiming to provide thermal neutron fluence rates. Neutron spectra and neutron fluences were estimated with Monte Carlo methods in the FANT irradiation chamber when a Cf98252 neutron source is used and were compared with the results obtained with the Am95241/Be49 source. Regardless of the neutron source, the largest contribution is due to thermal neutrons, producing also epithermal and fast neutrons. Per neutron emitted by the source, the use of Cf98252 produces a larger amount of neutrons.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110694
JournalApplied Radiation and Isotopes
StatePublished - Apr 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The first author Lenin E. Cevallos-Robalino, thanks to the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS), for the support received, and to Grupo de Investigación en Micro-Nanotecnología y Energía Nuclear (NANOTECH).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Elsevier Ltd


  • Am95241/Be49
  • Cf98252
  • FANT
  • Monte Carlo
  • Neutron spectra


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