Aportes de la Pedagogía Decolonial Transdisciplinaria a la Transformación Universitaria

Translated title of the contribution: Contributions of Transdisciplinary Decolonial Pedagogy to University Transformation

Johan Manuel Mendez Reyes, Ana María Padrón Medina

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The purpose of this article is to analyze the contributions of transdisciplinary decolonial pedagogy to university transformation. For this, some authors are selected, as an epistemological reference to delve into the selected problem, such as; Freire (1982), Freire (1997), Freire (2001), (Castro-Gómez and Grosfoguel, 2007), (Walsh, 2014), (Walsh, 2020), (Méndez, 2021), among others. The methodology worked is part of the qualitative tradition, especially with the method and hermeneutic design that allows interpreting the texts in their context. It is concluded that transdisciplinary decolonial pedagogy must rethink the complexity that contemporary universities have in themselves; therefore, it must be impregnated with the principle of hope, to strengthen its socio-educational praxis, recognizing the spaces for the necessary action to accompany one project to another that stops exploitation, expropriation, inequalities and injustice still present in our societies. It is recommended to continue deepening the epistemological criteria of transdisciplinary decolonial pedagogy so that it contributes not only to the university transformations that are needed, but also to theoretical and practical responses to both the demands of society and its structural problems.
Translated title of the contributionContributions of Transdisciplinary Decolonial Pedagogy to University Transformation
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Pages (from-to)421-455
Number of pages35
JournalRevista de la Universidad del Zulia
Issue number14
StatePublished - 3 Sep 2023


  • Decolonial pedagogy
  • University transformation
  • Interculturality
  • Transdisciplinarity

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 312A Arts


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