5079 (Archivos Secretos)

Translated title of the contribution: 5079 (Secret Files)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


In this novel by Augusto Rodriguez, there is everything: adventure, intrigue, past history and forecasts of what the future of humanity will be; it is what should be demanded of any science fiction story. But there is more, surely because it has been imagined by a narrator who is also a poet: there is, above all, irony to understand the present, its depths and its superficialities, its external complexity and the intimate simplicity that builds it.
Translated title of the contribution5079 (Secret Files)
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
PublisherEditorial Universitaria Abya-Yala
Number of pages118
ISBN (Print)978-9978-10-660-0
StatePublished - 30 May 2022


  • Secret archives
  • Social communication
  • Poetry

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 312A Arts


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