Remoción de Metales Pesados con Biomasa de la Microalga Chlorella Sp Inmovilizada en Perlas de Alginato

Project Details


General objective Evaluate the removal of Chromium, Lead and Cadmium in aqueous solutions with biomass of Chlorella sp. immobilized on alginate beads. Justification The removal of heavy metals with biomass of the microalgae Chlorella sp. Immobilized in alginate beads, it is a valuable tool for the bioremediation of metal-containing wastewater. This immobilization technique has advantages in the management of microorganisms that have the ability to remove metals in aqueous solutions, since their biomass can be reused and easily separated from water. The potential use of Chlorella microalgae to remove metals is very useful due to its great bioremediation capabilities and also to the harmlessness of this microorganism, unlike what can happen with other microorganisms that have the ability to remove metals but are pathogenic. as can be the case of Pseudomonas. When analyzing the removal of Chromium, Lead and Cadmium in aqueous solutions with biomass of the microalgae Chlorella sp. immobilized in alginate beads under different parameters, results will be presented that could potentially be used in bioremediation processes in industries or processes that generate this type of contaminants, additionally scientific information will be generated on the effects of these parameters on the metal removal curves by action of Chlorella sp. which will be disclosed by different written and oral means.
Effective start/end date23/01/1723/01/17


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