Políticas de Gestión de la Calidad de Leche el Aporte Técnico Científico de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana y Desarrollo Local en la Cuenca del Pisque Fase I

Project Details


General objective Evaluate the participation and incidence of AFC producers and artisan dairy processors in the construction and implementation of public policies related to the production, consumption and quality of milk, as well as the scientific technical contribution of the UPS with a view to achieving the local development in the Pisque river basin. Justification Milk production in the northern part of the country has been an important activity in the northern part of the country, however, the problems of production and productivity have not been solved since many of the livestock practices imply knowledge and also allocate economic resources for their implementation. . The education and training of dairy producers has been facilitated by various public and private institutions, as well as the companies that buy the milk and by the UPS in a dynamic that has articulated teaching, links with society and research, a situation that has not yet been considered finished but that needs to be analyzed in order to improve and expand it. On the other hand, from the State, compliance with production regulations is voluntary, while quality regulations are mandatory for all actors in the dairy chain. . The participation of producers in the management of public policy has always been an issue that has depended on different organizational factors, as well as the structure and political will of the State to promote it and integrate it into the processes of formulation, implementation and evaluation of policies. , before which, it is necessary to collect all the experiences that have been given around the subject of quality. Both in the management of milk quality at the level of farms as well as artisanal processing plants, participation and strong associative processes are necessary to maintain the activity, so it is necessary to carry out a participatory reflection on these processes. It is important to identify the good practices that institutionally from the UPS through the CILEC but also from the LCL, were implemented in such a way that they are considered as lessons learned that allow continuing and improving interventions in the field and in the development of strategic lines of research to achieve the sustainability of the dairy activity of the country's small milk producers, not only in productive-economic terms, but also in environmental and social terms, and that UPS fulfills the goals of higher education and the Salesian charism.
Effective start/end date11/06/2011/06/20


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