Impact of the Ecuadorian Truth Commission on Reparation Processes

  • Grondona Opazo, Gino Eduardo (PI)

Project Details


General objective Verify the psychosocial impact of the Truth Commission of Ecuador on victims, family members and the general population, on attitudes and emotions related to the process of truth, justice and reparation Justification b) Practical relevance: Ecuador is presenting a need for data regarding the systematization of psychological damage of the victims identified in the CV, in a context of increasing reactivation of the issue, in this case, generated by the Committee of Relatives of the Victims . There is a judicial process pending, at the same time as an initial consideration of the need for psychological reparation required by the victims. This project would facilitate the handling of specific data on the effects that occur in the victims, as well as the perception of citizens regarding this issue.
Effective start/end date30/09/1330/09/14


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