Descontaminación de Efluentes con Contaminantes Emergentes Ibuprofeno y Paracetamol Mediante Oxidación Avanzada Fase Ii

Project Details


General objective Improve the biodegradability conditions of wastewater with Ibuprofen and Paracetamol by increasing the BOD5/COD ratio and reducing TOC, until this influent can be treated in a conventional system such as the conventional treatment infrastructure. Justification The generation rate that manifests itself in the WWTP is associated with the existence of priority pollutants and refractory organic matter, the same that cannot be treated by conventional systems that the WWTP presents. With the advanced oxidation process, the aim is to improve the biodegradability ratio (DBO5/COD) of wastewater and the relevance of being able to use conventional treatments already built.
Effective start/end date2/01/172/01/17


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