Valoración del Movimiento de Extensión en el Área Cervical Mediante el Análisis de Señales Electromiográficas en Pacientes con Pci Espástico

  • Bueno Palomeque, Freddy Leonardo (PI)
  • Delis, Alberto López (CoI)
  • Lopez Martinez, Pablo Esteban (Student)
  • Merchan Carrillo, David Fernando (Student)
  • Delis, Alberto López (CoI)

Project Details


General objective To characterize the evolution in the rehabilitation of patients with Spastic PCI, from the flexion movements in the cervical area, through the analysis of surface myoelectric signals. Justification The studies will be carried out with boys and girls with Spastic PCI, at the Cerebral Palsy Institute of Azuay (IPCA); His muscular activity will be analyzed in extension movements of the cervical area in the prone position. There is a need to be able to visualize the behavior of the muscles in the area where the rehabilitation is given, in order to validate and know the evolution of the patients in each therapy performed. The project focuses on the study and analysis of electromyographic signals in physiotherapy sessions for patients with PCI. The project is based on the contact made between the Biomedical Engineering Research Group (GIIB UPS) of the Salesian Polytechnic University - Cuenca Headquarters and the Cerebral Palsy Institute of Azuay (IPCA), where the problem of diagnosing and assessing in a technical way is presented. the evolution in the rehabilitation of patients with pel, focusing on the study of rehabilitation in the cervical area. The objective is to assess the levels of muscle activation, through the analysis of EMG signals in patients between 6 and 9 years of age who present Spastic PCI.
Effective start/end date15/12/1615/12/22


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