La Cadena de Valor como Hilo Conductor de la Investigación en los Destinos Turísticos

Translated title of the contribution: The Value Chain as the Conducting Thread of Research in Tourist Destinations

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The research gives rise to this report, the objective, evaluate the necessity and desirability to assume the researches referring to context of tourist destinations, the value chain, as it is the support platform for the articulation between the actors that interact in these physical spaces, whether they coincide or not with the administrative demarcation, they belong with. To substantiate it, there have been used theoretical and logical methods, valuable to define the regularities in the manifestations of the phenomenon from a scientific point of view and the summary of several studies conducted in which lifting by using empirics methods, in which there have been obtained interesting findings that provide evidence to it. As a result it is obtained, the systematization of the defending idea about the study of the peculiarities engaged in the process that interact in the value chain of tourism, and it constitutes the cornerstone to understated the nature of this phenomenon from the management perspective of tourism destinations.
Translated title of the contributionThe Value Chain as the Conducting Thread of Research in Tourist Destinations
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Pages (from-to)239-249
Number of pages11
JournalAvances en Ciencias e Ingenierías
Issue number17
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2015


  • Cadena de valor
  • Destino turístico
  • Oferta integrada

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 113A Economics

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