Estudio sobre Modelos de Clúster Automotriz en la Zona Andina Transfronteriza de Ecuador-colombia

Translated title of the contribution: Study on Automotive Cluster Models in the Ecuador-Colombia Transborder Andean Zone

Yoandris Sierra Lara, Roberth James Almeida Pillajo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The development of the topic presented in this article focuses its main objective on identifying the interest of associativity of the main actors in the proposal of an Automotive Cluster model in the Andean Cross-Border Zone of Ecuador-Colombia, contributing as an alternative to social economic development in this trans-Andean region, with the articulation of the province of Carchi to the north of Ecuador and the sub-region of the former province of Obando to the south of the Department of Nariño in Colombia. For this, a non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive research methodology is used. In this sense, a socio-economic environment is described in which there is a dynamic of local development in productivity in a complex way, since there is evidence of an interrelation in the commercial sphere that allows us to understand said development on the basis of systems theory in design. of a business organization model that facilitates the dynamic interaction of regional actors from a complex approach in economics. In this order of analysis, it is expected that the positive results, from the data derived from the statistical and prospective processes, will contribute to validate the design of a simulation model based on system dynamics with the Vensim PLE x32 V.7, 2a computer program. This will make it possible to know the impact of an automotive cluster as a development alternative in the region. In conclusion, it is considered that a single automotive cluster model as a development alternative in this trans-Andean zone will be very useful for productive development.
Translated title of the contributionStudy on Automotive Cluster Models in the Ecuador-Colombia Transborder Andean Zone
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Pages (from-to)62-75
Number of pages14
JournalRevista Investigium IRE
Issue number12
StatePublished - 29 Dec 2021


  • Cluster del automóvil
  • Desarrollo empresarial
  • Desarrollo regional
  • Productividad
  • Sistemas dinámicos

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 113A Economics

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