Percepción Estudiantil Respecto a Nuevas Prácticas Docentes en la Carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Sede Quito

Translated title of the contribution: Student Perception Regarding New Teaching Practices in the Environmental Engineering Career of the Salesian Polytechnic University - Quito Campus

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The purpose of this work is to evaluate the perception that students of the Environmental Engineering career have about the scheduling of exams from 09h00, and the implementation of tutorials prior to taking the end-of-cycle exams. The study was conducted descriptively in two moments corresponding to the 2017-2017 and 2018-2018 academic periods, and had the voluntary participation of students from first to ninth level of the career (n=142, and n= 201). The evaluation process of the new teaching practices was carried out taking into account: geographical context, chronobiological aspects and student satisfaction with regard to tutoring. The results show acceptance of the process of changing the exam schedule of 85.9% and 90% respectively for both moments, and a favorable perception of the pre-exam tutoring process of 94.4% and 93%. In the two moments of the evaluation, it is important to note that punctuality (65.6% and 69.7%), academic performance (49.2% and 48.3%), comfort (59% and 51.2%), and collaborative work (40.2% and 54.7%) are perceived in a better way, however, in the second moment, collaborative work shows greater acceptance compared to academic performance and comfort.
Translated title of the contributionStudent Perception Regarding New Teaching Practices in the Environmental Engineering Career of the Salesian Polytechnic University - Quito Campus
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Title of host publicationModelos Educativos Innovadores en Educación Superior
PublisherFundación Organización Universitaria Interamericana
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)978-958-52202-0-1
StatePublished - 8 Aug 2019

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 111A Education

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