Pensamiento Educativo en Pablo Freire. Una Lectura desde la Pedagogía Crítica y Pensamiento Decolonial

Translated title of the contribution: Educational Thought in Pablo Freire. A Reading from Critical Pedagogy and Decolonial Thought

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Education in our America continues to be a matter of concern for societies, peoples and nationalities, which is why it is necessary to return to the great precursors that allow us to re-read their reflections in order to give a definitive answer to the challenges that the world presents us. Eurocentric paradigm that is based on an instrumental and scientific knowledge that responds to the logic of the market controlled by the great hegemonic centers of power and knowledge that denies all the wisdom of the original cultures. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to analyze educational thought in Pablo Freire to make a reading from critical pedagogy and decolonial thought. From a hermeneutical methodology, we try to interpret various sources that allow us to approach the most significant contribu-tions of the pedagogy developed in the author and find the bases and foundations for a critical decolonial thought. It is concluded that, making a reading of Freire’s educational thought allows us to see his contribution both to Latin American crit-ical pedagogies and to the construction of a decolonial pedagogy, since his legacy has been the starting point for the design of a set of other epistemologies, which is based on criticism of the capitalist world-system and allows us to think of an epistemology for resistance and liberation.
Translated title of the contributionEducational Thought in Pablo Freire. A Reading from Critical Pedagogy and Decolonial Thought
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Pages (from-to)95-110
Number of pages16
JournalEstudios Latinoamericanos
Issue number1
StatePublished - 27 Dec 2022


  • Don bosco
  • Freire
  • Liberating education
  • Pedagogy
  • Preventive system

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 312A Arts


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