Entresijos de la Aplicación de Acciones Afirmativas en la Concesión de Frecuencias del Espectro Radioeléctrico a Medios Comunitarios en Ecuador

Translated title of the contribution: Ins and Outs of the Application of Affirmative Actions in the Concession of Radioelectric Spectrum Frequencies to Community Media in Ecuador

Maria Del Carmen Ramirez Soasti, Fabian Vintimilla Larrea

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The research focuses on the importance of identity recognition for the Afro-Ecuadorian culture in Carapungo, which has been distorted by the naturalization of misleading imaginaries that have triggered social segregation within the sector. The recognition of identity is important for any culture, however, for Afro-Ecuadorians it has not been easy to achieve, they have encountered limitations to do so. Historical factors such as slavery, racial discrimination, and the representation of imaginaries, among others, have made it difficult. The Afro-Ecuadorian culture has turned these and other obstacles into strength to undertake social struggles and to be able to fulfill their demands through political, social and cultural processes. The main objective of the research is to show the participation of the Afro-Ecuadorian culture in the community of Carapungo, since the locality has a high rate of Afro-Ecuadorian inhabitants, who are negatively categorized because of their ethnic condition.
Translated title of the contributionIns and Outs of the Application of Affirmative Actions in the Concession of Radioelectric Spectrum Frequencies to Community Media in Ecuador
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Title of host publicationLa comunicación como espacio de resistencia
PublisherEditorial Universitaria Abya-Yala
Number of pages46
ISBN (Print)978-9978-10-403-3
StatePublished - 10 Mar 2020


  • Afro-Ecuadorian
  • Culture
  • Recognition
  • Representations

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 123A Journalism and Communication


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