Didáctica de la Filosofía: Origen, Problemas Y Desaciertos

Translated title of the contribution: Didactics of Philosophy: Origin, Problems and Mistakes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The work proposes to analyze some essential problems of the didactics of philosophy, its possibility, origin, essence and form or species. It reflects on the conflicts that arise from the teaching of philosophy as a subject of the curriculum and the loss of space for it in the various curricular projects of the different educational levels. Finally, some guidelines for teaching philosophy and teaching how to philosophize are formulated. In this process, it is clear that in order to face the diversity of problems that arise in relation to the teaching of philosophy, it is necessary to consider the place of philosophy in the body of knowledge in order to understand its practical application in life and to determine its contributions in the process of formation of the human being. The growing specialization of disciplines has further problematized the place and character of philosophy in relation to other fields of knowledge.
Translated title of the contributionDidactics of Philosophy: Origin, Problems and Mistakes
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
Title of host publicationExperiencias Educativas Iberoamericanas: Reflexiones desde la perspectiva de la profesión docente
PublisherEditorial REDEM
Number of pages19
ISBN (Print)978-612-46680-9-8
StatePublished - 30 Jun 2019

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 322A Philosophy


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