¿De la no-gestión al empresarialismo? Algunas evidencias en la transformación de la gobernanza urbana en las ciudades medias latinoamericanas a través de un caso de estudio ecuatoriano

Translated title of the contribution: From «non-management» to entrepreneurship? Some evidence in the transformation of urban governance in medium-sized Latin American cities through an ecuadorian case study

José Prada-Trigo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The transition from urban management to entrepreneurialism is an important issue in regional studies in recent years. While European and American cities were pioneers in these processes and the Latin American metropolises adapted their principles to a different reality, intermediate cities in this region seem to have copied the models of their environment uncritically applying them into a context by important urban and social deficiencies and low standards of urban governance. The result has been a transition from «non-managerialism» to urban entrepreneurialism, analyzed and interpreted in this article from a case study of Ecuador.

Translated title of the contributionFrom «non-management» to entrepreneurship? Some evidence in the transformation of urban governance in medium-sized Latin American cities through an ecuadorian case study
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)437-463 and 587-591
JournalBoletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles
Issue number69
StatePublished - 2015


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