Consensus socialization: A contribution to the assessment method center based on the use of a smartpen and the fast fourier transform

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

1 Scopus citations


The Assessment Center (AC) is a technique applied to the human behavior linked to the organizational environments. It is especially used for promotion, evaluation, and staff selection, allowing the identification of competences and behaviors in people who are summited in this process. The following article describes the complementarity that can be given to the AC method from the inclusion of a new face denominated by the authors as 'Consensus Socialization'. The methodological variable has been applied 16 times into different organizations belonging to different areas, among them business, health, and academy. It was tested through data obtained by a pen-like device built with 3D printing techniques, and provided with electronic mechanisms, which are able to capture transferred pressure from the hand of the person handling it. The data analysis uses the Fourier Transform, and allows the projection of graphs that correlate the organizational physiology analysis with respect to the pressure provided by the device, not only for the regular faces, but also for the new intervention. Through this, it has been proved that this variant provides objective data, especially when auto-control or stress tolerance competence is assessed with AC.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 27 Mar 2018
Event2018 28th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers, CONIELECOMP 2018 - Cholula Puebla, Mexico
Duration: 21 Feb 201823 Feb 2018


Conference2018 28th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers, CONIELECOMP 2018
Abbreviated titleCONIELECOMP 2018
CityCholula Puebla

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