Análisis del Proceso de Transformación Digital en el Sector Público durante la Época de Pandemia en Ecuador

Translated title of the contribution: Analysis of the Digital Transformation Process in the Public Sector during the Pandemic Era in Ecuador

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Maintaining social distance, wearing masks and staying at home as a quarantine are some of the common measures being followed to date to help control the spread of this disease. The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly increased reliance on digital tools, both for the delivery of and access to public services and for remote work by civil servants.
Translated title of the contributionAnalysis of the Digital Transformation Process in the Public Sector during the Pandemic Era in Ecuador
Original languageSpanish (Ecuador)
StatePublished - 22 Sep 2021
EventVI Congreso Científico Internacional “Sociedad del Conocimiento: Retos y Perspectivas”, Reflexiones para un mundo Post COVID19 - EC
Duration: 22 Sep 202124 Sep 2021


ConferenceVI Congreso Científico Internacional “Sociedad del Conocimiento: Retos y Perspectivas”, Reflexiones para un mundo Post COVID19
Internet address


  • Administración pública
  • Covid-19
  • Datos
  • Redes
  • Tecnología

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 8116A Information Systems

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