Ahp Analysis to Minimize the Effects Produced by the Textile Industry in the Rivers of Cuenca City

Cesar I. Coronel Z., Gabriela Lissette Carrion Vivar, Cristhian M. Quezada V., Edgar Antonio Barragan Escandon

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


In this study, the current environmental situation of the rivers of Cuenca city was analyzed, as well as the threats presented by the textile industry to the environment, due to thecity is crossed by 7 rivers, which are directly affected by this industry. For its analysis the AHP method has been implemented to determine the most optimal solution to the contaminationsuffered by these affluent.
Translated title of the contributionAnálisis Ahp para Minimizar los Afectos que Produce la Industria Textil en los Ríos de la Ciudad de Cuenca
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 10 Oct 2017
Event2017 IEEE Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference (MHTC 2017) - MX
Duration: 29 Mar 201731 Mar 2017


Conference2017 IEEE Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference (MHTC 2017)
Internet address


  • Affluent
  • Ahp
  • Alternatives
  • Environmental impact
  • Judgment
  • Methodology
  • Textile industry

CACES Knowledge Areas

  • 317A Electricity and Energy

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