Redes de Acceso Wifi Autosustentable Empleando Rpi 3 con Tecnología Energy Harvesting Wifirp3eh

Project Details


General objective The general objective is to develop an alternative solution for Wi-Fi nodes, through Raspberry Pi3 and Energy Harvesting for energization, whose network is used to monitor, control and predict the locations of competitors in a sporting event. In addition to analyzing and modeling other possible self-sustaining Wi-Fi node solutions. Justification The development and future implementation of this project to design a system for measuring parameters and predicting athletic competition using energy from renewable sources is important to meet a need for people who want to control the environment of a sports competition, taking control to places where the conventional energy source is not easily accessible or does not exist, collaborating with the development of alternative green energy technologies. With the use of Energy Harvesting in conjunction with Raspberry Pi 3 devices, it is intended to develop an innovative, low-cost, planet-friendly prototype that serves as a guide for future research related to the subject, both in clean energy and electronic devices and communication technologies. It is important to point out that both the topic of prediction and the use of green energy are contents that currently involve the investigation of methods that are useful for the Internet of Things (IoT) and is applicable to the environment of Smart Cities, Smart Grid of low power consumption. The Wi-Fi-RPi3-EH project aims to show connectivity alternatives for Wi-Fi networks, using Raspberry Pi3 and clean alternative technologies such as Energy Harvesting for self-sustaining nodes.
Effective start/end date20/06/1820/06/19


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