Influencia de la Capacitación Técnica en Buenas Prácticas Ordeño Consecuencias en la Calidad Microbiológica de la Leche Cruda Bovina Trabajando con Productores Rurales Organizados en Ecuador Fase 1

Project Details


General objective To evaluate the influence of technical training in good hygiene practices for organized rural producers in Cayambe carried out during milking, analyzing the effects on the microbiological quality of raw bovine milk and benefits to the producer. Justification Sanitation during milking is associated with the frequency and cleaning of equipment and utensils with the use of appropriate detergents (acid and alkaline), sanitizers, use of hot water and frequency of washing the tank and milk cans, as well as the use of disposable paper for drying cow teats and use of disinfectants (CORTEZI, 2014, FAO, 2011, VÁSQUEZ et al., 2007). This project aims to determine the milking practices used by rural milk producers in a community of Cayambe, to initially determine the main risk factors that affect the microbiological quality of raw bovine milk and subsequently carry out technical training at the time of production. milking. Training programs must be sustainable with the economy and reality of the producer. 65% of the rural milk producers in the Cayambe sector have not finished primary school and 40% of them have been milking cows for more than 20 years, where the cultural and social level are influential in the activities that are carried out. they perform. Therefore, the interest of the researcher is to establish a working model with a greater impact in terms of improving the microbiological quality of milk, making viable proposals for community producers. The technical training will be prepared in such a way that the participants carry out the activities based on the safety standards, using the pre-milking tests to evaluate the health of the teats (CMT), correctly performing the cleaning, pre-dipping and post-dipping with the appropriate products and times (CHASE; ELY; HUTJENS, 2006; DERKS et al., 2014; KILPATRICK, 2000).
Effective start/end date28/02/1828/02/18


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