Evaluación de Metales Pesados Cu2 Cd2 Pb2 Zn2 en Músculo Agua y Sedimento y Microbioma del Camarón de Cultivo y Silvestre Penaeus Vannamei en el Estuario del Río Chone Cuenca Baja del Río Jama y Piscinas Camaroneras de la Zona Sur del País

Project Details


General objective To apply analysis by ICP spectrometry for the determination of heavy metals in shrimp muscle, and metagenomics in the determination of the bacterial microbiome in the hepatopancreas and intestine of the Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei from culture systems and natural populations of the Chone River estuary, and culture pools in the southern zone of the Pacific. country.
Effective start/end date21/03/1921/03/21


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