Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural del Complejo Arqueológico Machay Parroquia Rural de Guasaganda Cantón la Maná Provincia de Cotopaxi

Project Details


General objective Contribute to the dissemination of the cultural heritage of the main attractions of the Machay Archaeological Complex. Justification The La Maná canton, located in the province of Cotopaxi, keeps an emblematic Inca Archaeological Cultural Heritage, known as the Malqui and Machay archaeological complexes, declared Cultural Heritage of Ecuador on July 24, 2011, it was discovered by the Ecuadorian historian Tamara Estupiñán and his collaborators, 15 years ago. This site has an enriching and important history of Ecuador, since hypothetically it has been considered the last resting place of the Incas-Quiteños, a place where Malqui Atahualpa, the last Inca monarch of Tahuantinsuyo, was worshiped. According to the bibliographical and field research carried out, the main problems that these archaeological sites have are: the lack of tourist diffusion due to the lack of economic resources and the scarce empowerment of the competent national and local authorities, causing that they do not continue with the archaeological studies and in turn, generating the progressive deterioration of the place. Additionally, it is important to emphasize that access to the Malqui archaeological complex is restricted by the owner of the Malqui hacienda; so the present work will be focused on the Machay archaeological site. In order to improve the patrimonial dissemination of the site, the management of alliances between the Municipal GADs of La Maná and Sigchos, the Malqui community and the private company is proposed. Likewise, alternatives are proposed that promote the increase of tourism in the sector.
Effective start/end date5/03/205/03/20


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