Determinación de la Actividad Enzimática de Manganeso Peroxidasa en Microorganismos Presentes en el Suelo del Páramo de la Reserva Ecológica el Ángel para Evaluar su Potencial como Biodegradadores de Polietileno

Project Details


General objective To determine the enzymatic activity of manganese peroxidase in microorganisms present in the paramo soil to evaluate their potential as plastic biodegraders. Justification The biodegradation of polyethylene by microorganisms is a solution for reducing contamination by plastics (Mendez et. al., 2007). The microbial activity on plastics is mainly due to an enzymatic action, many authors propose that the same enzyme that initiates the degradation of hydrocarbons (alkane monooxygenase) is responsible for the microbial attack on the surface of synthetic polymers (Seneviratne 2006). have reported works on the biological degradation of plastics and it is considered that this alternative is important from the point of view of human health, the environment and the economic factor, it is also possible to use the by-products as a source of energy (Mendez et. al. , 2007). Eggins et al. (1971) point out that the most important process to degrade plastics is the one in which its components are used as a carbon source. On the other hand Lee et al. (1991) reported the degradation of polyethylene by strains of fungi and bacteria; and Pometto et al. (1992) managed to isolate a fungal enzyme capable of degrading plastics. Cuevas and Manaligod (1997) isolated soil micromycetes capable of degrading polyethylene products and in 2001 Clutario and Cuevas demonstrated that the micromycete Xylaria sp. is capable of colonizing polyethylene.
Effective start/end date9/03/199/03/19


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