Determinación de Pesticidas y Calidad de Agua de Efluentes de Florícolas en la Zona de Cayambe

Project Details


General objective Determine the concentration of pesticides and the quality of drinking, ditch and residual water in two communities with a high presence of flower plantations in the Cayambe - Tabacundo area. Justification It is necessary to carry out the project since it is necessary to know in the Cayambe Tabacundo region if the sources of drinking water have high contamination, since according to the UNEP, the effects of pesticides in the water are linked to "oncological morbidity (cancer), pulmonary and hematological, as well as congenital deformities... and deficiencies of the immune system". In addition, the effects on human health are not only caused by drinking water intake, but also by the following means: Contact through the skin as the manipulation of pesticide products Inhalation in the breath of dust or sprays Being the two previous cases aggravated by having sources of contamination of pesticides in the waters close to the communities Subsequently, a comparison will be made with the guidelines for drinking water in relation to 33 pesticides created by the WHO, who has established values ​​of "acceptable daily intake" (ADI), which i They indicate the maximum permissible daily intake during the life of a person without appreciable risk to their health.
Effective start/end date2/04/182/04/18


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