Coordinación de Protecciones Eléctricas Luego de Conmutación de Equipos de Corte y Seccionamiento

Project Details


General objective Propose the automatic parameterization of the protection equipment settings after the operation of cutting and sectioning equipment due to fault events and/or contingencies. Justification Natural disasters and man-made disasters (terrorist attacks) have been a frequent topic in recent years. Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the earthquake in Japan in 2011, Hurricane Sandy in 2012, the Marmara Earthquake in 1999, and even the earthquake in Ecuador in 2016 are examples of the destructive power of nature. . These events cause large human losses, and also invaluable losses in private and public property, directly affecting citizens, real estate and the infrastructure of strategic sectors, such as the electricity sector. The events described above can cause serious failures in the electrical transmission and distribution system, and can even cause one or more lines to be out of service for several days due to mechanical damage to the conductors of the distribution networks or transmission towers. The distance, overcurrent, differential relays or any other protection equipment is previously configured to provide protection to the transmission and distribution system, when there is a contingency of significant magnitude, which causes the unavailability of one or more lines. As a consequence, the electrical system adopts a new topology, however, the protection equipment continues to be configured to provide protection to the initial transmission system, therefore it is essential to carry out an automatic coordination of protections with the new topology of the electrical system. Based on the aforementioned, methodologies and techniques for reconstitution of electrical systems are focused on the use of distributed generation or emergency generation for connection in vulnerable areas, as well as methodologies for reconnection or reconfiguration of the network based on principles of reliability or restrictions. techniques. In this context, the present project focuses on the automatic parameterization of the protection equipment settings after the operation of cutting and sectioning equipment.
Effective start/end date3/04/203/04/20


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