Análisis de la Expresión de Genes de Interés en Factores Bióticos con Importancia Biotecnológica y Agrícola Mediante Rtqpcr

Project Details


General objective Analyze the expression of genes of interest in biotic factors, with biotechnological and agricultural importance, by means of RT-qPCR. Justification Modern molecular techniques such as RT-qPCR have made it possible to quickly compare the level of gene expression in any type of organism, with a good detection limit, sensitivity and specificity, working with a large number of samples (Chiluisa-Utreras, et al ., 2014). Since these results help to conclude that one or several genes are not only present, but that their level or concentration in a specific medium is also adequate, since their metabolism and survival will depend on this. That is why this parameter has been studied both in animals, plants and microorganisms, since at an industrial level it is necessary to identify the most suitable species for its use, since it is useless for a gene to be present in an organism if it is not active for its use, and in this way optimize processes and ensure that its application is sustainable. This is the example of Bacillus subtilis subsp. inaquosorum, which presented antifungal activity against Alternaria alternata, Helminthosporium rostratum and Curvularia lunata and was identified by the PCR technique for its industrial application (Ruiz, et al., 2016). Likewise, gene expression can provide information in the ecological field since an organism can present diseases or be in danger of its existence due to mutations that drastically change the regulation and expression of genes, therefore detecting the behavior of gene expression can help diagnose and formulate early solutions for the conservation of biotic factors. In addition, it is important to apply less invasive study methods with the species, which allow analyzing the distribution area, movement and social structure of the populations without having direct contact with the species, using molecular biology as a study tool (Arias & Calle, 2013). The present investigation will be carried out with the objective of comparing at what level of its development a higher concentration of metabolites can be obtained, so that in the future they are used in a more technical way, taking into account that the use of natural resources It must be in a conscious way, in addition, ecological aspects and their current situation in which different species are found can be concluded, and thus this study will fulfill the proposed agricultural, industrial and environmental interest.
Effective start/end date8/03/198/03/19


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