Análisis de Fragilidad en Estructuras Patrimoniales Mediante un Modelo Constituido por Barras

  • Torres Berni, Wilson Ramiro (PI)

Project Details


General objective Generate a flat model that represents the nave macro-element (repetitive transverse axis of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago de Chile) constituted through bars at whose ends the non-linearity of the system is concentrated. Justification A model of a church-type heritage structure carried out using the Equivalent Frame Method (EFM) would be a very efficient tool at a computational level since the degrees of freedom in the model are greatly reduced compared to a model generated using the EFM Method. Finite elements. The model generated with bars to be able to analyze a transverse axis of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago will allow in the future to be able to generate a model of the complete structure of the Cathedral and thus be able to study its behavior globally.
Effective start/end date25/04/1925/04/20


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