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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- 1 Similar Profiles
Diseño de una Metodología de Formación en Investigación para Profesores Universitarios y Personal Administrativo Noveles Finvep
Teran Alvarado, A. F. (Col), Mora Saltos, N. S. (Col), Llerena Izquierdo, J. F. (PI), Caballero Barros, E. J. (Col), Lopez Chila, R. D. (Col), Llaguno Vera, J. G. (Col), Carrera Jimenez, J. A. (Col), Cedeño Tello, A. M. (Col), Founes Merchan, J. P. (Col), Benites Medina, R. M. (Col), Espinoza Rosero, G. B. (Col), Jaime Carriel, J. R. (Col), Toledo Herrera, L. J. (Col), Ayala Carabajo, R. (Col), Mendez Reyes, J. M. (Col), Issa Morales, E. H. (Col), Suarez Escobar, I. E. (Col), Cordova Leon, J. R. (Col), Zambrano Parrales, F. A. (Col), Zea Villacis, N. M. (Col), Lopez Vargas, A. F. (Col), Puma Rodriguez, R. A. (Col), Rodriguez Farias, M. G. (Col), Pulgar Oleas, N. L. (Col), Diaz Solis, G. E. (Col), Yaguana Herrera, T. G. (Col) & Plua Moran, D. H. (Col)
27/02/24 → …
Project: Research and Development
Desarrollo de Estrategias de Control Modernas para Procesos Multivariables Usando un Enfoque de Optimización Multiobjetivo y Algoritmos Bioinspirados Decmoba
Huilcapi Subia, V. M. (PI), Mora Saltos, N. S. (Col), Diaz Solis, G. E. (Col), Ghia Pogo, E. A. (Student), Rivera Duarte, C. J. (Student), Franco Reina, R. C. (Col), Miranda Delgado, L. A. (Col), Garcia Flor, G. X. (Col) & Soto Noboa, B. R. (Student)
12/12/23 → …
Project: Research and Development
Evaluación de la Implementación de los Tableros Comunicacionales en la Mejora del Lenguaje de Niños no Verbales con el Trastorno del Espectro Autista Evaltea
Naranjo Sanchez, B. A. (Col), Huilcapi Subia, D. F. (PI), Mora Saltos, N. S. (Col), Velasco Galeas, W. T. (Col), Zorrilla Ortiz, D. F. (Col), Bermeo Peñafiel, Y. M. (Col), Potes Duque, F. B. (Student), Villon Montero, A. O. (Student), Tito Quijije, J. A. (Student), Guaypacha Guapi, C. D. (Student), Cortez Paredes, K. M. (Student), Loor Maridueña, J. A. (Student), Guerrero Palacios, I. G. (Student), Carvajal Peñaherrera, H. L. (Student), Porras Guillen, C. A. (Student), Sanchez Huilcapi, D. F. (Student), Monserrate Pozo, J. F. (Student), Manrique Torres, A. N. (Student), Lopez Bonilla, M. A. (Student), Licoa Vasconez, J. G. (Student), Lara Bautista, J. D. D. (Student), Guaman Gualoto, A. J. (Student), Gonzalez Meza, W. D. (Student), Giler Vera, C. R. (Student), Espinoza Villalva, M. S. (Student), Córdova Gamboa, I. A. (Student), Cervantes Zea, M. A. (Student), Bermudes Mora, J. P. (Student), Camacho Moran, L. V. (Student), Rivera Rivera, S. A. (Student), Caiza Quinde, A. G. (Student), Hualpa Leon, S. P. (Student), Loayza Maldonado, W. A. (Student), Arce Solano, L. A. (Student), Goya Maza, A. P. (Student), Zavala Cabrera, O. E. (Student), Almeida Medina, M. J. (Student), Mejia Pintag, N. L. (CoI), Arellano Arroba, C. D. (CoI), Estrada Pico, R. L. (CoI), Potes Duque, W. N. (CoI), Yerovi Ricaurte, E. J. (CoI), Facuy Delgado, J. P. (CoI), Mite Albán, M. T. (CoI), Soledispa Reyes, G. (CoI), Criollo Baldeón, I. (CoI), Amat Díaz, C. (CoI), Morales Peralta, A. M. (CoI), Toledo Navarrete, A. E. (CoI), Jurado Peña, Y. E. (CoI), Canales Guillen, E. F. (CoI) & García Cepeda, L. A. (CoI)
26/09/23 → …
Project: Research and Development
Mejoramiento del Modelo de Atención de Educación Online de Niños Niñas Adolescentes y Jóvenes en Situación de Alto Riesgo de la Ciudad de Guayaquil Memotech
Naranjo Sanchez, B. A. (PI), Mora Saltos, N. S. (Col), Chiriguaya Maldonado, V. A. (Student), Llanos Toral, W. A. (Student), Mendoza Solorzano, J. F. (Student), Angulo Almea, A. M. (Student), Rea Yungan, J. E. (Student), Bermeo Peñafiel, Y. M. (Student), Perez Soriano, A. A. (Student), Banes Romero, B. X. (Student), Suarez Tircio, Y. J. (Student), Banchon Naranjo, N. N. (Student), Pacheco Pozo, A. C. (Student), Torres Duarte, B. A. (Student), Miranda Camba, S. J. (Student), Arias Arequipa, F. B. (Student), Ortiz Ortega, D. A. (Student), Espinoza Mazzini, K. D. (Student), Paredes Mesias, C. A. (Student), González Collaguaso, K. M. (Student), Tamayo Tinajero, A. L. (Student), Contreras Freire, J. S. (Student), Delgado Altamirano, S. S. (Student), Villao González, J. I. (Student), Moreno Segura, C. J. (Student), Gallegos Mayorga, K. S. (Student), Carreño Gomez, E. E. (Student), Huacon Morales, J. M. (Student), Chipre Teran, E. E. (Student), Betancourt Rodríguez, I. G. (Student), Ovaco Andrade, J. M. (Student), Luna Fuentes, K. A. (Student), Malan Gusñay, E. G. (Student), Vargas Yupa, R. A. (Student), Ureta Arias, B. P. (Student), Torres Sarmiento, J. P. (Student), Rojas Cabello, C. F. (Student), Rojas Asuncion, C. E. (Student), Rodriguez Veliz, J. A. (Student), Ramirez Pincay, J. A. (Student), Palma Medina, J. G. (Student), Mite Flores, E. I. (Student), Lopez Mero, T. A. (Student), Heredia Chichande, M. Y. (Student), Peñafiel Aldas, E. R. (Student), Benavides Guadamud, D. C. (Student), Ochoa Franco, F. A. (Student), Tigua Santana, J. J. (Student), Guerra Miketta, D. F. (Student), Grau Aviles, J. F. (Student), Potes Duque, F. B. (CoI), Peñafiel Rosado, J. A. (CoI) & Naranjo Sánchez, J. R. (CoI)
18/11/21 → 26/03/24
Project: Research and Development
Sistema de Información Integral Médico Siime
Naranjo Sanchez, B. A. (Col), Mora Saltos, N. S. (PI), Jimenez Moran, A. A. (Student), Loor Pinela, K. Y. (Student), Wilson Garcia, M. E. (Student), Vaca Orrala, N. R. (Student), Soto Castro, O. G. (Student), Espinoza Matamoros, J. L. (Student), Tito Quijije, J. A. (Student), Lara Corozo, M. P. (Student), Saltos Vivero, M. S. (Student), Muñoz Aguaguiña, L. A. (Student), Tamayo Parrales, E. E. (Student), Leon Laborda, J. A. (Student), Vera Pincay, E. (Student), Arguello Ruiz, J. J. (Student), Guzman Toscano, E. O. (Student), Revelo Huacón, G. F. (Student), Chalen Chancay, G. B. (Student), Flores Peralta, M. R. (Student), Cortez Castillo, X. E. (Student), Lasso Lino, E. A. (Student), Sanchez Castillo, M. A. (Student), Ordóñez Núñez, J. L. (Student), Ronquillo Lucas, D. A. (Student), Lema Delgado, J. A. (Student), Zambrano Crespo, P. G. (Student), Saenz Yerovi, M. F. (Student), Loor Maridueña, J. A. (Student), Paredes Perez, D. L. (Student), Aucaquizhpi Cajamarca, W. J. (Student), Solorzano Ibarra, R. A. (Student), Guadalupe Romero, A. W. (Student), Gutierrez Mora, G. R. (Student), Guerrero Palacios, I. G. (Student) & Rodriguez Montalvan, J. A. (Student)
25/04/18 → 1/08/23
Project: Research and Development
A Learning Resource Management Model for high-enrollment Programming courses in Engineering
Lopez-Chila, R., Mora-Saltos, N., Cedeño-Tello, A. & Llerena-Izquierdo, J., 2023, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering, ICECCE 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., (4th International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering, ICECCE 2023).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › peer-review
1 Scopus citations -
Sistema de Información Integral Médico Ecuatoriano (SIME): Estudio De Caso
Lara Corozo, M. P., Mora Saltos, N. S. & Naranjo Sanchez, B. A., 1 Oct 2023, In: Boletín Redipe. 12, 12, p. 145-161 17 p.Translated title of the contribution :Ecuadorian Comprehensive Medical Information System (SIME): Case Study Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Fomento de la Inclusión Educativa de Personas con Discapacidad
Naranjo Sanchez, B. A., Naranjo Sanchez, R. A., Mora Saltos, N. S. & Huilcapi Subia, D. F., 22 Jun 2015.Translated title of the contribution :Promotion of the Educational Inclusion of People with Disabilities Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper
La Investigación y las Tics para la Inclusión Educativa de Personas con Discapacidad
Naranjo Sanchez, B. A., Naranjo Sanchez, R. A., Mora Saltos, N. S. & Huilcapi Subia, D. F., 13 Jul 2015, Educación para la Paz, la Comprensión y el Desarrollo de Competencias. Editorial REDEMTranslated title of the contribution :Research and ICTs for the Educational Inclusion of People with Disabilities Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
La Investigación y las Tics para la Inclusión Educativa de Personas con Discapacidad: Red Raiti
Naranjo Sanchez, B. A., Naranjo Sanchez, R. A., Mora Saltos, N. S. & Huilcapi Subia, D. F., 18 Mar 2015.Translated title of the contribution :Research and ICTs for the Educational Inclusion of People with Disabilities: Red Raiti Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper