Projects per year
Organization profile
Organization profile
The fundamental mission of the Research Group on New Materials and Transformation Processes (GIMAT) is the generation of research and technological innovation, as well as the training of human talent in engineering, aimed at solving problems in the field of materials. Its vision focuses on becoming a group recognized nationally and internationally, contributing to raising the scientific and technological level in this area, establishing cooperation networks with various institutions and productive sectors. GIMAT aims to address the lack of a systematic research process in Ecuador that improves existing materials and develops new ones, facing the challenges of technological obsolescence and inefficiency in the use of resources in the local industry. Through its work, it seeks not only to innovate in the development of materials, but also to optimize transformation processes that strengthen the competitiveness of Ecuadorian companies.
Research lines:
- New materials and innovation in transformation processes
- Characterization of new materials at micro and nano scale
- Simulation and modeling of composite materials
- Development and characterization of biomaterials and biobased materials
Fajardo Seminario Jorge Isaac ([email protected])
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Jorge Isaac Fajardo Seminario
- Research and Innovation Group in Comprehensive Oral Health (GIISO)
- Research Group in New Materials and Transformation Processes (GIMAT)
Person: Researcher, Research Group Coordinator
Desarrollo e Integración de un Sistema de Alerta Temprana Basado en Inteligencia Artificial y Chatbot para Identificar Estudiantes en Riesgo Académico en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Bojorque Chasi, R. X. (Col), Plaza Cordero, A. M. (Col), Farfan Pacheco, P. C. (Col), Avila Campoverde, R. S. (Col), Flores Ortiz, A. C. (PI), Quinde Abril, M. X. (Col), Castro Arias, S. T. (Col) & Morquecho Yunga, M. D. P. (Col)
25/07/24 → …
Project: Research and Development
Obtención de Estructuras Porosas de Superficie Mínima Triplemente Periódica Tpms para Propósitos de Ingeniería
Garzon Muñoz, L. E. (PI) & Cobos Maldonado, C. M. (Col)
8/06/23 → …
Project: Research and Development
Producción de Nanocristales de Celulosa a Partir de Residuos Agroindustriales para Reforzamiento de Polímeros
Fajardo Seminario, J. I. (Col) & Paltan Zhingre, C. A. (PI)
25/05/23 → …
Project: Research and Development
Research output
Alternative Selection Material and Auto Part Manufacturing Process for Fused Deposition Modeling Using CAD-CAM-CAE Tools
Peralta-Zurita, D. B., Ferrándiz-Bou, S., Cobos, C. M. & Guachamin, C., 2024, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics and Industrial Engineering (CSEI 2023) - Innovations in Industrial Engineering and Robotics in Industry - Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practical Application. Garcia, M. V., Gordón-Gallegos, C., Salazar-Ramírez, A. & Nuñez, C. (eds.). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 742-756 15 p. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; vol. 797 LNNS).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › peer-review
Comparative Study of the Influence of Heat Treatment on Fracture Resistance of Different Ceramic Materials Used for CAD/CAM Systems
Balladares, A. O., Abad-Coronel, C., Ramos, J. C., Fajardo, J. I., Paltán, C. A. & Martín Biedma, B. J., 8 Mar 2024, In: Materials. 17, 6, 1246.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access2 Scopus citations -
Fajardo, J., Guerrero, X. & Paltán, C., 2024, In: Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction. 11, 1Research output: Contribution to journal › Conference article › peer-review
Researchers' Work from Salesian Polytechnic University Focuses on Reverse Engineering (Digital Twin of Fused Filament Fabrication Prints for Finite Element Analysis Via G-code Reverse Engineering)
Cobos Maldonado, C. M. & Garzon Muñoz, L. E.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Study Findings on Applied Sciences Discussed by a Researcher at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana (Seismic Behavior of Flange-Web Welded Plate Connections in Tubular and Concrete-Filled Columns Using Finite Element Analysis)
Vazquez Silva, E. & Torres Jara, P. B.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Investigators at University of Cuenca Discuss Findings in Energy Conversion and Management (Aqueous Byproducts From Biomass Wet Thermochemical Processing: Valorization Into Fuels, Chemicals, Fertilizers, and Biomaterials)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media