Projects per year
Organization profile
Organization profile
The Smart Electrical Grid Research Group (GIREI) is dedicated to the development, design, evaluation and recommendation of methodologies and technologies that optimize communication between the different stages of the electrical system, with the aim of achieving a Smart Electrical Grid focused on reliability. and efficiency. In addition, the group implements applications that promote the use of alternative energies, using climate analysis methodologies and specialized technologies in electricity generation, microgeneration and distributed generation. One of its main objectives is to transfer research results in a timely and innovative manner, generating a significant impact on the decisions of the Ecuadorian electricity sector, aligning with the regional, national and international context.
Research lines:
- Operation and control of electrical systems
- Communications in electrical systems
- Reliability and quality of electrical energy
- Microgrids and renewable energies
- Optimization in electrical systems
- Planning and management of electrical systems
- Transmission and distribution of electrical energy
- Smart electrical grids
- Stability and compensation in electrical systems
- Failures in electrical systems
- Information and communication technologies for education
Garcia Torres Edwin Marcelo ([email protected])
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Diseño e Implementación de una Microred Inteligente Denominada Ecocampus que Permita la Gestión Óptima la Caracterización de Generación Renovable Distribuida y la Demanda Eléctrica Parte I
Garcia Torres, E. M. (PI), Aguila Tellez, A. (Col), Ortiz Matos, L. (Col), Idrovo Iñiguez, K. A. (Student), Proaño Hidalgo, D. G. (Student), Toctaguano German, A. S. (Student) & Ordoñez Carrillo, S. A. (Student)
12/04/24 → …
Project: Research and Development
Integración de Inteligencia Artificial en la Planeación Operación y Protección de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia
Carrion Galarza, D. F. (PI), Guanochanga Portilla, E. O. (Student), Orbea Leon, D. F. (Student), Pedraza Moromenacho, J. L. (Student), Romero Carrion, D. P. (Student), Salazar Alvarez, J. A. (Student) & Pineda Guaman, J. A. (Student)
12/04/24 → …
Project: Research and Development
Optimización del Consumo Eléctrico en los Laboratorios de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Campus Sur Mediante la Implementación de una Microred con Pronóstico Ajustado a la Disponibilidad de Recursos Renovables
Garcia Torres, E. M. (Col), Aguila Tellez, A. (Col), Muñoz Pilco, J. P. (Col), Jaramillo Monge, M. D. (PI), Tipan Vergara, L. F. (Col), Mullo Trujillo, D. A. (Student) & Vela Palaquibay, K. J. (Student)
12/04/24 → …
Project: Research and Development
Research output
Cambios en la Formación Docente en el Marco del Modelo Tpack Considerando el Concepto de Ingeniería Educativa
Jacome Marmol, C. F., Inga Ortega, E. M. & Llerena Izquierdo, J. F., 14 Jan 2025, In: InGenio Journal. 8, 8, p. 114-136 23 p.Translated title of the contribution :Changes in Teacher Training within the Framework of the Tpack Model Considering the Concept of Educational Engineering Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Adaptive Forecasting in Energy Consumption: A Bibliometric Analysis and Review
Jaramillo, M., Pavón, W. & Jaramillo, L., Jan 2024, In: Data. 9, 1, 13.Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
Open Access8 Scopus citations -
Análisis Multicriterio para la Ubicación Óptima de Reconectadores en Sistemas de Distribución
Yacche Herrera, C. J. & Aguila Tellez, A., 10 Dec 2024, In: Ingeniería revista académica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. 28, 28, p. 1-11 11 p.Translated title of the contribution :Multicriteria Analysis for the Optimal Location of Reclosers in Distribution Systems Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Findings from Polytechnic University Provide New Insights into Algorithms (Performance Evaluation of Fractional Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controllers Tuned by Heuristic Algorithms for Nonlinear Interconnected Tanks)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
UPS formalized its new Doctorate in Education
Villagomez Rodriguez, M. S., Inga Ortega, E. M. & Villagomez Rodriguez, P. S.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media